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03 - March


most of the dream was basically the same paranoia i had during the day

i mean the one related to my website

also there was another dream where i was in a very strict school or something

they put handcuffs on us so we don’t run away

i remember a scene where i was running away with some people i think

also i remember a scene with a familiar looking beach


an incoherent mess of:


i was flying over random cities

like you know in minecraft creative mode

the country was apparently denmark

there was a city built around a river

the river was straight and the highest buildings were near it

it was also a late summer evening and i could see the sun setting

in the end i landed in a small town called “yes”

not sure how small it actually was because i only met one person

it was a small girl who invited me and explained the history of that place

i forgot everything

at some point i left but i don’t remember where i went from there


gitlab stopped working in russia

so i had to start self-hosting it

i used a fork made by a russian mail provider

my domain was something like thisshit….com


our old programming teacher gave us a 3d graphics assignment

we were supposed to use some api by google

i watched a couple of demos on youtube

one was a guy flying over a city and the other was a truck chasing you in a cave

both were VR so the assignment might’ve been VR too

i don’t remember what i did but i remember other people presenting including my old classmate

there were also a couple of unrelated dreams

in one i was walking to my non-existent school in the rain

in the other i was buying stuff near a bakery near my college but a non-existent one


i was getting pills from my doctor that looked like my dad’s friend

also rhere was an unrelated scene were i was writing questions for the people in my room


it was night and i was in a car with someone

i was watching youtube videos including electroboom and izzy laif which now shared a channel

we stopped at a grocery store to buy soda

the soda was like 25₽ but looked very expensive

i have no idea why i even bought it since i don’t drink soda

then there was a dream where i was with my dad and we stopped at an unfinished apartment

apparently some bald guy who’s famous on tv was shotting music videos there

i think the first dream included some video i uploaded to a music aggregator channel

it was christmas dubstep or something


for some reason i was going to downgrade my cpu

i needed the cpu itself and an adapter

my dad and i were going to buy them

but the dream ended before it could happen


i was in multiple airports

also i was in moscow where i installed 2 ads of my website


i was trying to watch milf porn but someone invited me to see the lord of the rings in the cinema


i was in a hospital

not a mental one

my grandma was there too

it was summer and i remember going outside enjoying the weather

also i remember going to the bathroom

the light switch there enabled light in the whole hospital

i accidentally woke everyone up

also there was a youtube video where andrei nifedow was going to rewrite systemd from scratch

he made a brand new youtube channel which was called something like “system …”

it had like 30k subscribers

it had a smiling white laptop with a green screen on the pfp

i think there was another dream where i was indeed in the mental hospital

and i nearly shit myself that i was back there

which is basically what happened to me irl once

i woke up and thought i was back in the hospital

while it was just my room and it was dark

also there was a dream where my grandma had a new tv and i was trying to watch american tv

but i ended up finding that the tv runs prehistoric 2000s linux