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12 - December


watching tom and jerry

it was a remaster so it might’ve been on blu-ray

it contained 90 original episodes and then new ones

but the original ones also featured new graphics in some parts

i guess that’s why it was a remaster

i decided not to watch the new episodes

there was another dream after that but i forgot it


there was a war

many people died

one of them was alexei shevtsov

i was in a small town while it was happening

there was a lake and we had to flood something

we lost many people including some random girl

i later left the town

yeah if it wasn’t clear

i was on the side of the winners


i remember coding some extension

like y’know a browser add-on or gnome shell extension

but it was neither

i don’t remember exactly what it was but it was a big deal


turkey again

i think this time we moved there

we were dealing with some kind of trivial problem

also there was a bus


  1. i was going to start dating my groupmate

his initials are M.M.

i have no idea why i’d date him

also i was going to date him after he left the college

i remember reading his twitter

i couldn’t find anything interesting

not sure if he has a twitter irl

  1. flood

an apartment building was flooded and we were there

by we i mean my family and random people

some fucker used this opportunity to kidnap them

when the building got flooded completely they were trying to get out

but the fucker locked then behind a brick wall

he later transported them god knows where

i was angry about it and was going to kill him

then one of the kidnapped people wrote something to discord

this fucker teleported to them and got hit with an axe by a kidnapped girl

he then asked how she knows he’s not from the fbi

the dream ended here


  1. watching some russian tv show

i don’t remember what it was about

but they said the phrase “great putin” several times

  1. jumping off a train

it was too slow to kill me but fast enough for me to get lost

and i did get lost in fact

the train itself looked like a couple of beds connected to each other

it was also a summer night

  1. cats

my friend and his gf both made a music video about a cat

or maybe it wasn’t a music video i’m not sure


we went to turkey by car

after getting into our hotel we violated some muslim rule

so we got kicked out of the hotel

thus we decided to just go back home

i guess turkey was really close to russia in this dream


my former gropmate discovered my website

i was hoping that he doesn’t discover nasty stuff while he was looking through it